Date(s) - Friday, 3 June, 2016 - Sunday, 26 June, 2016
12:00 am
Eskbank House & Museum
Lithgowfoto2016 – Murruway
PCYC Lithgow Photography Group
Courtyard Gallery, Eskbank House and Museum
3-26 June 2016
Official Opening 2 pm 5 June 2016
The PCYC Lithgow Photography Group presents their annual exhibition Lithgowfoto2016 – Murruway in the Courtyard Gallery at Eskbank House and Museum.
“Murruway” is the Wiradjuri word for pathways and this exhibition depicts the many paths that we travel in life from major highways to kangaroo tracks.
The group meets monthly to discuss photography and goes on excursions to events and sites around the area. Lithgow is full of hidden treasures and paths and it is these the group will bring to light during their exhibition.
The community is invited to join the photographers at the opening of the exhibition at 2pm on Sunday 5 June 2016 in the Courtyard Gallery.