Smart inventions: Technology before the Smartphone

Smart inventions: Technology before the Smartphone

Smart inventions: technology before the Smartphone ….. how did we meet up with our friends? Catch the 7:25 train? Listen to music? Share a photo memory? Share our ideas?

On exhibition at the museum are clocks and watches, gramophones and radios, cameras and photo albums, telephones, film and slide projectors, typewriters and adding machines.

Eskbank House Museum is open Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm.

Museum entry fees apply $5 and $2.50 concession, children under 6 are free

School holiday program – Halloween Workshop


Jack-O’-Lanterns Workshop with Ludwina Roebuck

Friday 29th September, 11am – 1pm

For all ages


Bookings are essential. Workshop and afternoon tea free, museum entry fee applies

To book phone 6354 9999


Get crafty and create a spooktacular installation of nightmarish Jack-O’-Lanterns that will glow wildly in Main Street during Lithgow Halloween. Explore your dark imaginings to dream up ghoulish faces and devilish creatures that will scare your friends and family!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to work with a talented local artist to create a unique installation to haunt Lithgow’s streets for Halloween 2017.

 To see some of Ludwina Roebuck’s wonderfully quirky creations, you will find her installation shining over Pioneer Park in Main Street, produced as part of Tidy Town’s Laneways Project.

School Holiday Program – Writing Workshop


Kim Kelly

Sunday 9th July, 10am – 1pm

Ages 12+


Bookings are essential, workshop is $30 includes free museum entry

To book phone 6354 9999

Do you love to write but get stuck for inspiration? Stories are all around you, if you look carefully, and your hometown is bursting with them.

In this fun workshop, well-known writer Kim Kelly will take you on a virtual tour of Lithgow that will ignite your imagination. Lithgow’s landscapes and streetscapes, and the valley’s rich history, all have tales to tell. Myths, legends and family stories can inspire your own too – but no-one will tell the tales of your home the way you do.

Whether you dream of becoming a writer yourself or you just love telling tales, you won’t look at Lithgow the same way once you’ve begun Writing Home.

Bring pen and paper or other writing device.

Kim Kelly is the acclaimed Australian author of six novels, including the much-loved Black Diamonds, set in Lithgow during World War One.

A well-known book editor and literary consultant for Varuna, The National Writers’ House in the Blue Mountains, Kim has worked in the publishing industry for more than twenty years.

Kim is a passionate believer in the importance of all our stories. Her workshops are safe, inclusive spaces where everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences, in an environment of respect for diversity.

You can find out more about her work on:

Waste2art Competition and Exhibition 2017

Waste2art Competition and Exhibition 2017

Enter the Waste2Art Competition now!

Local students, artists, and creative groups are invited to take up the challenge to turn waste into art.

Waste2Art is an art competition and exhibition open to local residents of all ages. It showcases and celebrates creative works made from reused and recyclable waste materials, and aims to challenge people’s perception of waste.

The annual waste theme for 2017 is Plastic Bags and Plastic Packaging however artworks can be made from any recyclable materials. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of each category.


  • Entry forms are to be submitted no later than 10 May, 5pm.
  • Artwork entries to be delivered to Eskbank House and Museum on Tuesday 16 May between 12pm and 4pm.
  • Exhibition dates are Saturday 20 May until 4 June 2017.
  • Official Opening and Awards Presentation: Friday 19 May 2017 commencing at 6pm, winners in each of the categories will be announced and light refreshments will be served.
  • Winning artworks from each category will be transported to Orange City Council for the Regional Competition from July 8 2017 for a period of 12 weeks.


ENTRY FORMS  can be downloaded Here

Full terms and conditions can be downloaded Here

Alternatively, forms are available from

Lithgow City Council Customer Service

Lithgow Library Learning Centre



Summar Hipworth
Cultural Development Officer
Lithgow City Council
T: 6354 9999